Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) Treatment

Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) is used to solve problems with sperm quantity or quality (borderline cases), or where donor sperm is required, such as same sex female couples. It is also a useful technique for overcoming fertility problems such as retro-grade ejaculation or when the couple find it difficult to have regular sex.

How is IUI performed?

As the name suggests, intra-uterine insemination involves delivering the sperm directly into the uterus. This is done via the vagina using a thin catheter which is inserted in the cervix (neck of the womb)  to reach the endometrial cavity. The procedure takes just a few minutes and is painless, although occasionally, there can be mild discomfort from the speculum used to hold the vagina open, or mild cramps following the insertion of sperm.
IUI is a “regulated activity”, and will be performed at the primary HFEA licensed centre: IVF London (HFEA centre number 0365).

The advantages of IUI

By delivering carefully selected sperm directly to the egg in the uterus, IUI can help overcome a range of problems, including:

Inability to have ‘planned’ intercourse

Some types of mild erectile dysfunction

Retrograde ejaculation

Borderline low sperm count or borderline poor quality sperm

IUI with own (partner’s) sperm

IUI with own (partner’s) sperm – If you are using your own sperm, a sample is produced by masturbation at the clinic. This is then checked, ‘washed and prepared” to ensure that the most healthy sperm are selected, in the greatest concentration. This process can significantly increase the quality of the sperm in cases of poor motility or other such problems.

IUI using donor sperm from sperm bank

IUI using donor sperm from sperm bank is an option for couples with untreatable azoospermia (complete lack of sperm) and lesbian couples wanting to conceive a child. Or a single wanting to have a baby. Most commonly you acquire a sample from a registered, reputable sperm bank. We offer counselling if you choose to use donor sperm, so that you can discuss the many issues involved for you and your future child. Sperm samples can be acquired from registered sperm banks in UK or from overseas who follow guidelines specified by the HFEA.

IUI using sperm from known donor

IUI using sperm from known donor – You can use a sperm sample from a “known donor”, however there are rigorous screening tests that need to be done and protocols to be followed before we can use it.

The Journey

The journey should not be daunting at all, here are the essential steps, generally in this order

a. Choose a fertility clinic you want to have your treatment with
b. Your first consultation will explain to you everything that you need to know about treatment steps, cost, investigations, how to choose sperm, success rates, whether to use stimulated or natural cycle
c. Arrange for professional counselling – as required by the HFEA
d. Understand and fill all HFEA forms needed – done along at your chosen clinic
e. Arrange blood tests for infection screen (HIV, Hep B, Hep C etc) as stipulated by the HFEA. CMV infection status and your blood group are reasonable extra tests you may want to do-  helps whilst choosing your sperm. These tests have to be within 3 months of treatment so don’t rush if you are not starting very soon
f. Choose sperm from the sperm bank your centre is happy to work with. Check with your treating clinic if they want to order “washed and frozen” sperm or “frozen sperm to be washed at the centre”
g. Sperm sample reaches the treating centre before the first day of your treatment cycle. All investigations and consents have to be ready as well before your treatment starts
h. Cycle commences
i. At Fertility in Community, all consultations and scans are done at our peripheral clinics, but since IUI is a “regulated activity”, it will be performed at the primary HFEA licensed centre: IVF London (HFEA centre number 0365).

IUI success rates

The success rate for IUI varies according to your age. According to the HEFA, the chances of a single cycle of IUI resulting in pregnancy are as follows

Under 35 – about 14-20%

35 to 37 – about 12%

38 to 42 – about 10%

Over 42 – 6% or less

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